
A few hours after my daughter was born! Practicing my favorite, Kangaroo Care.

With my third baby — feeling tired & happy.


about IMMA

IMMA (pronounced "ee-ma") means “mother” in Hebrew. It’s the reminder that, no matter how we feed our children, we are all part of the parenthood collective.

Our team is here to guide you on your breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and/or bottle-feeding journey. You’ll get the emotional support, clinical care, and evidence-based practices to feed your little one confidently. Our goal is only to limit your barriers to successful breast/chestfeeding if this is the path you've chosen — never to judge or decide what’s best for your body and your family.

IMMA is a practice that also focuses on what happens after the breast/chestfeeding and/or bottle-feeding months. When do we introduce solids and how to we do so mindfully, respecting our baby's innate hunger cues and drive to thrive? Feeding our babies begins at the breast/chest and transitions as they grow. 

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We are your advocate, and you & baby are our priority.

My Breastfeeding Journey

A few minutes after becoming a mom and meeting my son.

It was a long, hard road. My son, healthy and full-term, was whisked away to the NICU for a week when his blood sugar and body temperature were low. As I new mom, I was scared and did what the hospital recommended.

I desperately wanted to breastfeed but knew that, when we were separated, I’d need to pump, pump, pump to maintain milk supply. So that’s what I did.

When we were home and reunited at last, breastfeeding was tough — to say the absolute least! He wouldn’t latch without a nipple shield, I felt like using the shield wasn’t “real” breastfeeding, and I was so hard on myself. It took us 8-weeks to ditch the shield and never look back.

With my second child, I had thrush twice. And with my third baby, I’ve dealt with recurring clogs, friction blisters (we moved with a 2-week-old like crazy people on the hottest July day!) Personally and professionally, I’ve been there, experienced it, seen it, supported families through it.

And I’m here for you, too.